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Adding a new Workshop Menu VIA the Creation Kit


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Let me just start this off as not to waste your time. If you came here ready to copy paste one of the Xedit, FO4Edit or Script methods of adding a menu. This not what I am interested in.
This is strictly trying to learn to add a new Menu (And sub Menus) Via the Construction Kit specifically.

On with the question!

Hi! I'm trying to learn to add new workshop menus and tiered menus to the Workshop menu by using only the construction kit.
You might think that's mighty inefficient and you are probably right but this is how I learn things thoroughly.

So far I have figured out.

1. A Constructible object is assigned a Recipe Filter Keyword. This is the menu the object appears in
2. A menu at the end of a menu tree needs to be a Recipe Filter Keyword
3. A menu with sub menus is a Formlist.

This has ended up with the following example.

1. Create RoraxWorkshopRecipeFilterSettlerz02Institute03Furniture04Beds Keyword (following Bethesda's naming scheme)
2. Above Keyword is added to the RoraxWorkshopMenu01Settlerz02Institute03Furniture Formlist
3. Above Formlist is added to the RoraxWorkshopMenu01Settlerz02Institute Formlist
4. Above Formlist is added to the RoraxWorkshopMenu01Settlerz Formlist
5. Add RoraxWorkshopMenu01Settlerz to WorkshopMenuMain Formlist
Note* I realize editing the vanilla formlist is very bad practice. I'm not interested in compatibility right now I can do the whole script thing later.

6. Create new COBJ and give it the RoraxWorkshopRecipeFilterSettlerz02Institute03Furniture04Beds Keyword association.
7. ???
8. No profit :(

So assuming you followed along (I tried to make how I have done it so far as understandable as possible. But please ask questions if you didn't understand something I wrote)

This didn't work. And I don't know why.
As far as I can tell from the CK this is the correct process. What am I missing? Where?

TLDR; I thought I figured out how to add a new menu/sub menu set to the workshop menu through the CK but apparently I'm missing something.

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Figured it out! Thought I'd come on back to let people know the answer.

So it turns out I had it correct. However! Sub menus (Formlists) Will NOT work without an Icon Keyword to reference and an Art Object that references that.

For Example.

If I wanted a Settlerz01Institute02Furniture menu

1. Add Settlerz Formlist to WorkshopMainMenu with
1) a Keyword for that submenus Icon RoraxWorkshopRecipeFilterSettlerz (this MUST be at the top of the form list)
2) the next Keyword/Formlist in the chain Settlerz01Institute

This would insure that the Settlerz menu will have an icon to respresent itself with AND what it references.

Helpful tips: You CANNOT have a submenu that contains both another submenu AND a directly buildable object you will just end up with two menus with the same icon. one with objects and one leading to another sub menu.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks. Useful info. Everyone seems so caught up in the fervor of only doing it via script injection that it's hard to actually figure out how to do it the original way, which is kinda helpful for even figuring out the script injection method since it's not really so much of a tutorial as just a script template.

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