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...But you can't make him drink 8)


@}{ellknight You'd be right, but it isn't quite that simple. As easy as it may seem the good ol' U.S. of A. to acquire a gun legally, the same can't be said of Canada (or any other economically stable nation for that matter, which to me is ludicrous :rolleyes: , but that's another discussion). And no, mentally unstable individuals CANNOT acquire firearms for just that reason - because they are mentally unstable.



Here's a little something for all of you to ponder - guns (or in this case, video games) don't kill people, people kill people. And you cannot put the blame on a violent video game just because of that, as any person in their right mind isn't gonna turn into some psychopathic serial killer, just because they saw it on a game. Anyone who actually believes will indeed be shot because they are bullheaded angels who don't even give a rat's fat a$$ about anybody except how much money they can get out some stupid lawsuit against the poor sod who killed an innocent person and who also plays video games...

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Ok, ninja i just can't resist, learned as you are I'm really surprised at you. Rob i'm afraid did not just come up with a clever metaphor for the evils of money out of the blue. That metaphor is probably well over a thousand years old and has stood the test of time to prove it's enduring validity. We have come so far in so little time. [/sarcasm] Oh well, you can lead a horse to water...

I know that rob didn't make that metaphor. "I understand you were just trying to come up with a clever metaphor" does not necessarily mean make a metaphor yourself. That could mean just conjure up an already existing one. Rob was trying to have a clever metaphor, so he just took one.


Here's a little something for all of you to ponder - guns (or in this case, video games) don't kill people, people kill people.

Hmm...you make a good point, but just last week I saw a gun grow an arm, pull it's own trigger, and kill a man dead (or at least mostly dead). How do you explain that?



One funny bit on video games and violence:

On Saturday, I went to the first showing of Video Games Live in Wisconsin. At the beginning, the speaker was asking a few rhetorical questions the third of which was something along the lines of "And how do you feel about those people who think video games cause violence." Of course, everyone booed. Then, one person near the front shouted out, "WE'LL KICK THEIR ASSES!" ;D

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Hmm...you make a good point, but just last week I saw a gun grow an arm, pull it's own trigger, and kill a man dead (or at least mostly dead). How do you explain that?

:rolleyes: Well, huh, gee, I don't know - maybe it was one of those new-fangled bionic limbs I so recently told you about :P

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And this is related to the lack of 2 somethings called, "Common Sense", and "Personal Responsibility". Blame it anything but the person that did it. Oh yeah, and sue anybody in sight, that has any possible, yet remote connection.

Quick joke....What do you call 7 lawyers on the bottom of the ocean?




A> A good start.

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I represented all six parents of the three girls killed by a 14-year-old video gamer

It won't be much longer until we aren't regarded as humans anymore...

PAH! If anyone is to be regarded as nonhuman, it'll be everyone else (not us) ;)

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Thompson is the not only nut with power that believes this. Let's not forget that a certain female Democratic candidate has similar views...


...not that I like any of the other front runners of either major party any more...

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Jack Thompson, if you're reading this, then you are wrong. WAAY off the course.


If you think gun-shooting action video games make everyone violent, then I have GTA. I have fun playing it, but I don't go out and kill people. What the hell is wrong with you?? Who are YOU to say that nobody should play games like Counter Strike, and Grand Theft Auto?? You're a miserable son of a b**** who doesn't appreciate video games!


So, Mr. Thompson. If GTA is a violent game, then so is Halo, and Oblivion.


This is very unfortunate. I hear this f***ing hypocrite hates games that are violence. Just because GTA has some violence, and I'd be pretty pissed off at the cops in the game, doesn't mean I hate them in real life. I have no connection between fantasy and reality.


This is what I think of your campaign against games.....




That's you on the floor, Thompson. And that's me holding my gun in the air.

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Yeah, Jack, if you're reading this, go F*** yourself. Then, end your anti-videogame crusade.


Y'know, I bet there's a mod for almost every FPS that lets you kill Jack Thompson.

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