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[HELP] Can't find the cause of this CTD on load (Skyrim classic)


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You should reinstall steam & skyrim away from the x86 folder. I dont use it but I would guess MO should also be moved. That will ensure all registry keys are set properly. May take a while but should cut down on time spent troubleshooting. It fixed a lot of my problems.

That would take time, indeed. But I'm out of ideas, so trying it could not hurt.

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Well, I moved Steam and MO to the drive's root and, guess what? It still crashes, now shortly after the new game loading screen finishes.


Edit: I disabled Skyrim Unbound and it still crashes, so the problem is not with that mod.

Edited by Leoxs996
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Thought it was maybe a memory issue, so tried lowering the settings + safetyload + DynDOLOD + increased the SKSE memory patch from 768mb to 1024mb. Nothing. It has to be a mod conflict that I cannot seem to spot.

Edited by Leoxs996
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Also, if using MO, ensure that your left pane is matching your right pane load order.

Generally, my install order on NMM, or my Load order for MO is this:
SKSE Scripts (make sure these are properly installed and if you don't have it, you better get it)
[Any mods that are utilities] (Bug fixes, safety load, better messagebox controls,...)
[Custom Body Meshes]
[Custom Body Textures]
[All other ESPs]
[Custom Skeleton](Xp32mse,...)
Alternate Start
Bashed Patch (If using Wrye Bash)
Dual Sheath Patch (if Using it)
RSPatch (Last almost always)


I organize my left and right panes to match the above order and then run LOOT. It will sort my right pane to where it wants my mods to go, then I organize my left side to match it on the right. If I want a specific texture to take priority over another, I organize it on the left as such, but don't touch the right side.

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That was it! My left pane was a mess compared to mi right pane (something like Falskaar overwriting a mod, when it should be that mod overwriting Falskaar). Started a game, fought, saved and loaded with no issues (so far). So that's a reminder for me: read the damn software instructions.


Thank you very much for your help!

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Don't fret, walls of text are my enemy, and the enemy of many. You are not alone. Eventually you'll get to the point you can visually skip a lot as you recognize certain things, but I still will go over that wall of text for a mod to ensure I have everything set up right. In my opinion, the wall of text is better than random or consistent ctds

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