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Need 1 Moddeller


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Hello, i would like to put out this request for a modeller, we need a tower made, some weapons, and creatures. If you can model ANY of these i would be over-joyed if you could help out, thank you


Concept Art of the Tower::


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Hello, i would like to put out this request for a modeller, we need a tower made, some weapons, and creatures. If you can model ANY of these i would be over-joyed if you could help out, thank you


Hello, I would like to put out this request for a paycheck, I need a Cessna A152, fuel to fly it, and a few payments on my school loans.. If you can pay for ANY of these I would be over-joyed if you could help out, thank you.


That said, please read this: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=26095

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Hello, i would like to put out this request for a modeller, we need a tower made, some weapons, and creatures. If you can model ANY of these i would be over-joyed if you could help out, thank you


Give me specifics. I am not great with creature modeling, but I do well with anything else.

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Hello, i would like to put out this request for a modeller, we need a tower made, some weapons, and creatures. If you can model ANY of these i would be over-joyed if you could help out, thank you

For the tower, you're best off to provide specific details as to what you want it to look like, and what sort of functions you plan on having it do. This can mean the difference between 2 hours of work and 2 months of work (or longer).


For weapons, you might be best off looking through the hundreds of weapon mods out there to see if there are any meshes that are close enough to what you want that you can ask permission to use. Although weapon meshes are easy, there is so much that has already been made available that it'd probably save alot of time just to draw from existign resources. Even if it requires just a retexture, that sort of thing can be done by alot more people.


For creatures... Good ****ing luck. Retextures are one thing. New meshes are another. If you're wanting new skeletons and animations, you're pretty much stuck paying someone since there aren't many who have actually managed this, and they aren't exactly making their methods known and available.

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yeah ino, i have some CA i made so they know whats what, i was just wondering if anyone would be willing to help for the tower. The tower and weapons are really the only thing we kinda "need" to make this mod rly good, to make it amazing we "need" the creatures. BUT, i know, not many people are going to be willing to spend alot of time on a creature.


@ 1Prelude: Let me dig up some of the CA for the stuff, then ill post it up for you

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