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Improved Skyrim shorelines


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Would there be a way to improve the lifeless dull shorelines in Skyrim? Lets face it, in general the beaches in Skyrim is rather boring and quite the visual turnoff for beach campers like myself.

I was thinking of a provincial mod Solution that only affects the areas close to the coastlines. If not waves perhaps their would be a way to inject some water foam closest to the shores just like the ones that's been popping up as of lately.


Vanila shores






Possible mod,




shore picture.


Foam example,


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Yeah. The water looks great and all, with the reflections, waterfalls, streams and what-not; but they've forgotten two things about it: The shore and the current.


The shoreline looks good for places like Hjaalmarch, in the little swamps and all; but the rivers and seas need some waves crashing on the shore or something.


As for the second thing; Ever notice how all the rivers (Particularly near Riverwood) move in only one direction until after the waterfall? That's not how rivers work.

I tried to dump some bodies in it after killing everyone there, and was disappointed they simply got caught up on the mill for eternity, because all the water goes diagonally.

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I think I read somewhere that the only way to proper change the water direction was if it was done in the Construction Set. Still I think the problem whit floating corpses downstream will be solved eventually due to the improved water mods, there just hanging back for the builder to be released before they can make them "proper" =)


Still u gave me some great ideas for usage of rivers doh.

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Another thing is proper water sounds and the possibility of rain streaming from roofs and puddles appearing during storms.


Waterfalls aren't loud enough, and neither are rivers, streams or the ocean (Due to its' lacking waves). That needs to be fixed.

As for the rain thing, I just feel rain-storms go rather unnoticed. It's like. Oh. Hey. It's raining? Meh. Okay.

I think that if the sounds were a bit louder, the rain a bit thicker and more obscuring, and if it actually affected the environment, then it'd be a bit less bluh.

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The current.. that will require a modder to take a lot of time if it is possible, having to go through all the rivers and change them lol.. surely to happen if possible.


I don't care too much about the shores, but I do care about the shoreline.. the exact point at which the shore stops and water begins.. It needs to be rounded off they made it really obvious that you are looking at the lake in a game when you're standing atop a mountain.

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Another thing is proper water sounds and the possibility of rain streaming from roofs and puddles appearing during storms.


Waterfalls aren't loud enough, and neither are rivers, streams or the ocean (Due to its' lacking waves). That needs to be fixed.

As for the rain thing, I just feel rain-storms go rather unnoticed. It's like. Oh. Hey. It's raining? Meh. Okay.

I think that if the sounds were a bit louder, the rain a bit thicker and more obscuring, and if it actually affected the environment, then it'd be a bit less bluh.

I dunno if I agree with "louder" but I would definitely say "fuller". There's more to rain noise that just a tinny "Tsssssssssss", there's more of a "SHAaaaaaaaahhhhh" and different places will have different kinds of sounds... the middle of the forest won't sound like the middle of town or deep in the swamp, or the top of the mountain, come to that. It'd also be nice to see people and creatures trying to avoid being rained on; running when it starts, and hiding under shelter. Maybe some of the richer folk could pop open an umbrella (Records of doohickies fundamentally identical to modern umbrellas existed as far back as 200 AD, so maybe not lore friendly, but validly realistic. ^_^)


The Water Overhaul is going to be quite spectacular, I think. ^_^

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The rain gathering in puddles and general "wet look" would indeed be a cool feature to see ingame, though i doubt if its possible to render the required effect "tesselation?" whit Skyrims game engine, but it would give a whole lot of atmosphere in my opinion.
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Yea water gathering would be cool, but I also don't think the engine is capable of it. I don't think I've found a single game that has water behave even half realistically. Usually they let you make a big splash, but there is always something. Whether it is the fact there is no current, or your speed being unhindered, the ability to still shoot a gun, the water not filling into where it should, or not filling in realistically.. etc etc the list is bigger than I am.
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Yea water gathering would be cool, but I also don't think the engine is capable of it. I don't think I've found a single game that has water behave even half realistically. Usually they let you make a big splash, but there is always something. Whether it is the fact there is no current, or your speed being unhindered, the ability to still shoot a gun, the water not filling into where it should, or not filling in realistically.. etc etc the list is bigger than I am.


From Dust did it pretty well, despite it being specifically tailored to do so.


In any case, it should be able to run it. They said they've updated the bloody engine like two f***ing times, so I'm determined to see it done.

If not, then I would assume you could just do something along the lines of what happens during the Battle for Whiterun; Where the city becomes completely destroyed after you pick up the quest. Just, a little less trouble.

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