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Pleasee make someone GONDOR ARMOR for Skyrim!!!!!&


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Uhm... Honestly, did you think you would get any help with this topic?

A request is a way for you to ask a modder to make you something. You take time from them, and might end up making them lose a few houres sleep. The least you could do is make a nice request post. Here, let me give you a layout to follow:


Title: "Can somebody make X model/mod?" or "Looking for character modeller!/Looking for enviroment modeller"


Sub title: Looking for a decent/skilled modder/modeller to make me X.


Main post:


I really wish X were in this game. It would be really awesome. Could somebody perhaps model/mod this? I know it might be hard, but I would be very gratefull!

Here are a few pictures showing different versions/angles of X item/character.


*Insert pictures or links*


Any help would be appreciated!




That would get you a lot more attention.

Now, with that said, provide pictures and somebody might find this more interesting.

Also, drop the abuse of exclamation mark in the title. It seem .. weird.


Now, get some pictures up!



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