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Noob question about texture packs for SSE...


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I installed several texture packs, SMIM, a few 4K and 2K ones which I don't recall the name. I installed them all via NMM.


I wanted to know, if I launch Skyrim "without NMM" and none of the mods -- will the texture packs remain?


I ask this because I'm having issues with my mods (crashing, freezing) trying to figure out the problem. But before I further troubleshoot the mods...


I would like to run vanilla SSE with just the texture packs. Unfortunately, the only one appearing in the mod list is SMIM. I don't see the other texture mods listed. Which leads me to believe, they were distributed directly into the SSE Data folder. Is it correct to assume this?

Edited by tactfulgamer
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In before some jerk says "This isn't the SSE forum, you should ask your question there". Your question in fact applies to either platform.


As long as texture and mesh packs are physically inside the Skyrim data folder, they'll appear whether you're running Skyrim through SKSE or NMM or Steam or the Skyrim desktop icon. I've done several "vanilla" playthroughs using only texture mods, without SKSE or SkyUI. If NMM or MO doesn't unpack them correctly (i.e. creates its own data folder inside the data folder, or some other screwiness), you might not see the textures, or they might come out solid purple or white, but that can happen with or without SKSE. One example of that would be the skyforge weapon retextures in aMidianBorn Book of Silence. Without an additional manual patch, those don't install correctly.

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