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Armor mod ReQuest- requires some imagination


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Iron cuirass, chest

Bandit/Fur armor, for the sleeves

Steel Plate Armor: the kilt that will go around the waist. Could even try the Bandit/fur armor kilt

Bandit/Fur armor, for the leggings

Bandit/Fur armor, the fur that drapes the backside, to be added to the backside of the Iron cuirass

Iron Helmet with some sort of a fur hood to cover it up, no horns.

Normal Iron gauntlets and boots will work fine.

IF at all possible, add a pack to be worn with a carried on lantern that can be used, would be nice.

aMidianborn's textures would ROCK but not needed.


This is what I've been struggling to learn how to do all day since 10am. 12hrs later no progress in bringing this to life myself. I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to extract Archives from SSE. All the steps and notes I've taken today have been for Old Skyrim, I thought it would be the same with SSE. Or at least similar that it wouldn't be to difficult to figure out and learn. But I'm wrong, of all that I've learned, I'm still no where near even beginning how to make this a reality. NifSkope is still something I can't fathom, as wiki.tesnexus seems to be out of date and with that I've yet to even touch GIMP or Bender. So if someone's up for it and can create this, thank you. If you have any tips of guides that may help me, thank you. Back is killing me, 12hrs and not a step towards progress. Is this how mode authors are born?




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