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Armor Mannequins and target training


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There are two things that I have been looking for but unable to find. One is a way to create additional armor mannequins. I already have the ones that you can buy for Hjerim, but I would like to make more so I can display all my armor sets. Nothing to special about this one, just a way for someone to create mannequins and move them into place.


The other thing I am looking for is a mod that would allow you to train your skills on target butts. So when you shoot your bow at the straw archery targets or use your sword on melee dummies you would actually be increasing your skill.


Neither of these are that special but I think that they would be nice to have. If anyone possess's the knowledge to create these I would be greatful. Or if the already exist that would be great to.

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+1. Been waiting for this one myself... A room of displayed armors, like a trophy room, will be excellent. Especially with a line of weapon racks to accompany them...


However, at the moment, attempts to spawn Mannequins create a mobile npc that wanders around your house, and you have to manually add items through console. I know that there are a few modders currently working on this, though, so we should see it soon :>

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Mannequins can not be added with out the CK, there are two parts to them the mannequin itself, and a second invisible object which the armor is equipped on
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