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Dwemer Themed Housing


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My name is Mikael, I was hoping to request a Dwemer or Dwarven themed home. Yes, I know there is one in Markarth but not everyone is friendly with them ;-) and it would be nice to see one that could suite a dark lord of some sorts or an assassin. I've also been intrigued by the darker side of Skyrim including cannibalism. If you wish to discuss this further you can contact me by ether email or steam. I have attached my contact details in this message.


Thank you,




E-Mail: [email protected]


Steam: mwburke

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If I email you will you try to eat me in real life :S


What do you mean by not everyone is friendly with them? I am 100% against the empire but I have my main home there, I plan on storming the gates sooner or later.. if possible.


I shall not try to eat you :P I havent checked my email yet so yeah. You can also add me on steam too. Well, ya see, I've killed at least thirty of their guards and stole everything in the Dwemer museum to make ingots. I have 134 ingots :P

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134 ingots? hmm with my handy-dandy player.setav carryweight I ended up dragging a bunch of dwemer stuff out of the ruins. Stopped at 867 ingots.

Itching to finally get the CK. I will be normalising the weights of any weapons I use regularly.


Hopefully someone will create a recipe to make Dwemer centurions, spheres, maybe a mechanical mule, so I'm not hauling around 7000 pounds of stuff. :whistling:

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