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Frustrating workshop messed up


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right to the point items missing from workshop


structures , decorations


disabled all mods

reinstalled my mods one at a time looking for one that could have created this problem

I cleared the cache

uninstalled the game

did these things a number of times


problem seemed to have started after I updated mod manager.


had this problem before was able to fix it with this mod Settlement keywords expanded

not new to fixing mod problems but lately their has been to many problems I could be wrong but it seems to happen most of the time with new patches

could really use some help here.


thank you for any help you can give.

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It's strange that it was updating your mod manager that caused the issue, it's normally incorrect uninstall of a mod that uses scripts to add to the workshop menus. However my usual post on this should still work, pasting it below:


Odds are good you improperly uninstalled a mod that uses scripts to add to the workshop menus. If you uninstall any mod which adds items to the workshop menu, first read their description for correct uninstall methods.
To fix it try the Universal Menu Fixer located on the files tab of this tutorial.
Note the following as well.
According to Steve40: "when uninstalling mods that use script-added menus, it is mandatory that you quit the game to the Windows desktop after deactivating the mod, before loading another save game. If you deactivated the mod using the vanilla MODS menu and immediately loaded up a save game without first quitting to the desktop and restarting FO4, the menu might be missing even if you used the proper uninstall chem/holoatape. The same rule applies when using missing menu fixer tools."
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