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Grabbing and Holding (Grip Mechanics)


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I was watching an old gta iv trailer when i saw Niko grab and hang onto a helicopter. Now when i first saw this i thought there would be a grabbing feature in game, but i was pretty disappointed there wasn't. Hence the idea of this.


Now what i'm thinking is that the players arms can't be hanging down to their sides or else they would just grab themselves, and i think it would be pretty complicated to make a system where every object in the game has a grab-able point.

A simple system might just be press a button to place the players arms rigidly outstretched in front of them, and whatever the hands touch anchors them to that point and puts the player in ragdoll mode. Tapping the same button that initiates grab mode will stop it and release the player. Maybe this could be finished off by a get up animation, and some hit damage could be put in if the object is moving and jostles the player around.


Voila. Now you can save yourself from a steep fall or do a epic cliff hanging scene. If you ever wanted to stalk that horse you stole back to wherever it was going but didn't want to slowly follow it there, now you can just grab on, walk away from the screen and pray a dragon doesn't mess up your once chance at nourishing your weird obsession with horses.


Anyway, tell me what you think if the idea interests you.





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Now this is an idea that i like. However if you do grip then you'd need the ability to climb up ledges and such, no? (I don't mean like scaling walls I mean like Legend of Zelda, pull yourself up from the edge.)

Sorry for the bump, meh, it's three months in, not too long ago. Ever played happy wheels? If you aren't holdign onto your vehicle anything your hand touches when you press space is automatically grabbed, and you are in ragdoll mode. Then, using the arrow keys, your body contracts and expands accordingly. This could be put into skyrim.... Well minus the limb removal, but you get my point.

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