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Weapon crafting mod merging woes (10mm pistol)


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So I merged a bunch of mods, painstakingly fixing all the compatibilities in FO4Edit over hours... only to have the 10mm pistol be utterly screwed up in alignment.

The hands are positioned too low on the grip, breaking aim down sights, and the reciever is off-center to the left.


I've no idea what causes it, after the main theory I had didn't make any difference.


Merged mods:


Weaponry overhaul

Weapon mod mods

Extended weapon mods (suspected culprit I couldn't pin it on)

Any mod any weapon

Gunsmith extended (my other prime suspect)


The only mod that's new compared to my old setup is Gunsmith extended, though I had to redo all the manual fiddling.


The alignment problem doesn't occur without the merge patch(gunsmith extended overriding everything).


I'm beyond frustrated. Please help!


EDIT: Well, after much searching I found out the problem is an incompatibility between any mod any weapon and AWKCR (which another modrequired).

Edited by Kaerius
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