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Question about local variables retaining value when calling functions


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This loop is infinite. The only reason I can think of is that CurrentDumpWordIndex is being reset everytime I call GetWord(). If I call a function do the local variables in the parent function retain their value, or get reset, when the child function returns a value?

	while (LoopCounter<=DumpLineCount)
		CurrentLine=GetLine(CurrentDump, LoopCounter, DumpLineCount)
		debug.trace("Current Line: " + CurrentLine)
		debug.trace("Number of words on current line: " + WordsOnCurrentLine)
		while (CurrentWordIndex<=WordsOnCurrentLine)
;			;Get word y on line x
			CurrentWord=GetWord(CurrentLine, WordsOnCurrentLine, CurrentWordIndex)
			debug.notification("Word " + CurrentDumpWordIndex + ": " + CurrentWord)
			debug.trace("Word " + CurrentDumpWordIndex + ": " + CurrentWord)
;			;store word y in array
;			SVE_DumpArray[CurrentDumpWordIndex]=CurrentWord
;			CurrentDumpWordIndex+=1

e.g. in this example DumpLineCount==3; WordsOnCurrentLine==8; LoopCounter is initialized at 1, and CurrentDumpIndex at 0. If I comment out the nested while loop the outter while loop goes 3 times, as it should. It prints each line, and then the total number of words on each line, and then goes to the next line. Perfect. When I activate the nested while loop which is supposed to read individual words from each line and store them into a string array, 1 line is read, and that the line contains 8 words, but it never seems to even get so far as to print the Word + CurrentDumpIndex + CurrentWord.

Any ideas?

EDIT: On second thought, this would suggest the loop is getting stuck in the child function GetWord(). Nevertheless the question remains: do local variables retain values after returning from a child function?

Here is the GetWord:

string function GetWord(string SVE_CurrentLine, int WordsOnLine, int WordNumber)
	int EndOfWord=0
	int NullCharIndex=0
	int WordParserStart=0
	int WordsSkipped=WordNumber - 1
	int WordsToSkip=(WordsOnLine-WordNumber)
	bool EndOfLine=false
	string WordReturn

	;parse distinct words from first line [x]-' '\
	;for x=1;x<=WordCount;x++
	While (WordsSkipped<=WordsToSkip)
		EndOfWord=Find(SVE_CurrentLine," ", WordParserStart) ;accounting for space
		if (NullCharIndex<EndOfWord) ;end of line
		if !EndOfLine
			WordReturn=Substring(SVE_CurrentLine, WordParserStart, EndOfWord)
	return WordReturn
Edited by irswat
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"/n" is in the text file that I'm reading from, but I am deliberately not dumping it into the string SVE_CurrentLine. Consequently NullCharIndex is returning -1 always. And -1 will always be greater than a positive number. Next problem is weird. Good news is once this function is completed I will have some neat new functions for StringsUtil for SKSE if they wanted to implement them.

if (NullCharIndex<EndOfWord) ;end of line
Edited by irswat
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If "do local variables retain values after returning from a child function?" means something like this (very simplified)

Function stuff()
  Int SomeVar = 847
  String SomeStuff = SomeExternalFunction(parameters)
  trace(Somevar) => this still is 847

Then yes, calling another function should not cause all the local variables of the function/whatever to reset.


Not sure where the problem is with that script but it's late, i'm sleepy and there are a lot of variables! so i may have missed it...


DumpLineCount and WordsOnCurrentLine are finite numbers and LoopCounter and CurrentWordIndex are being incremented in each loop, i don't see why it would be infinite.

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