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Help with Random Crashes and CTD outside of Windhelm?


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Okay so I've been modding this game for a good week or two now, and finally got to start playing. I've tested and concurred that at certain points during the game, it CTDs suddenly and sometimes just plain out randomly. Deadly Dragons (in theory) could be the culprit sometimes (it doesn't always happen when the assualt starts) and then Skyrim Immersive Creatures.

some of the CTDs happen when using an expendable (for exampe; Tundra Spider venom) from a creature found and killed added from Skyrim Immesive Creatures or when looting one.

I was crashing for a minute when coming down the hill from the Ritual Standing Stone outside of whiterun, then found that the culprit was the Offical High res texture pack not working in cohesion with the 2k Texture pack from the Nexus.

I've since disabled them and those crashes seemed to have stopped. To add, when the Offical HRTP esps were enabled, the game was acting as if it couldn't load the distant LOD.

Some happen when when an assualt starts from Deadly Dragons. Sometimes the Dragon won't appear, and sometimes it will, still the game CTDs every once in awhile.

Then right outside of Windhelm. These just started happening recently, and I seriously can not figure out why. I've messed with Shadows in the ini, cleaned all of my mods with TES5edit(save the deleted navmeshes) downloaded a subsitute for saftey load off the nexus, and none of these have worked.

The game requires that I quicksave right outside of windhelm, then reload the save or else it crashes.

When I travel a litte ways from windhelm, then come back the game CTDs all over again.

Then of course, sometimes randomly while exploring the world..

Could it be conflicting mods?

Here is my load order (sorted with LOOT) as follows:

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

6 6 CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm

7 7 Campfire.esm

8 8 Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm

9 9 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm

10 a ApachiiHair.esm

11 b ApachiiHairFemales.esm

12 c ApachiiHairMales.esm

13 d RSkyrimChildren.esm




14 e SkyUI.esp

15 f Footprints.esp

16 10 TESGLoadingScreens.esp

17 11 Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp

18 12 WetandCold.esp

19 13 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

20 14 ELFX - Exteriors.esp

21 15 RealisticWaterTwo.esp

22 16 AOS.esp

23 17 CoT-WeatherPatch.esp

24 18 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

25 19 dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp

26 1a Enhanced 3rd Person Camera V1.2.esp

27 1b Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp

28 1c iHUD.esp

29 1d DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp

30 1e dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

31 1f TrueEyes.esp

32 20 RaceMenu.esp

33 21 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

34 22 LovelyHairstylesCE.esp

35 23 EmpyreanWarpaints.esp

36 24 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp

37 25 brawlbug-plugin.esp

38 26 Headtracking.esp

39 27 HDTPhysicsWeaponSling.esp

40 28 ORM-Arvak.esp

41 29 AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp

42 2a Differently Ebony.esp

43 2b BrighterTorchesBiggerMagelight.esp

44 2c QuieterDogs.esp

45 2d 3DNPC.esp

46 2e WetandCold - Ashes.esp

47 2f Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

48 30 RealShelter.esp

49 31 Weathered Road Signs.esp

50 32 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp

51 33 ELFX - Weathers.esp

52 34 RSPatch.esp

53 35 AOS2_CoT3_1_patch.esp

54 36 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp

55 37 Immersive Weapons.esp

56 38 SaturationBoost.esp

57 39 ContrastBoost.esp

58 3a BF.esp

59 3b Dark Dungeons for Skyrim-Dawnguard-Dragonborn.esp

60 3c FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp

61 3d PurityBN100.esp

62 3e RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

63 3f Dogs-of-Skyrim.esp

64 40 SMIM-Merged-All.esp

65 41 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

66 42 Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp

67 43 WindPath.esp

68 44 Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp

69 45 Signs_of_Skyrim.esp

70 46 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

71 47 Skooma.esp

72 48 WorldEaterBeater.esp

73 49 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

74 4a Equippable Tomes.esp

75 4b Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp

76 4c Unique Uniques.esp

77 4d GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp

78 4e Equippable Tomes - Campfire Add-On.esp

79 4f DeadlyDragons.esp

80 50 RegnPiercings.esp

81 51 Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp

82 52 Lore Weapon Expansion.esp

83 53 Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp

84 54 Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp

85 55 Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp

86 56 viciousdawnbreaker.esp

87 57 FS_UltimateAssortment.esp

88 58 SurMiraakNoSissy.esp

89 59 leveledHarkonAndMinions.esp

90 5a ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp

91 5b ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

92 5c ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp

93 5d CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp

94 5e Bucklers-Complete.esp

95 5f Dual Sheath Redux.esp

96 60 SeptimGold001.esp

97 61 aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp

98 62 SFO - Dragonborn.esp

99 63 Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp

100 64 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp

101 65 Thundering Shouts.esp

102 66 SimplyKnock.esp

103 67 RSChildren - Complete.esp

104 68 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

105 69 Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp

or could it be the 57 deleted navmeshes from Dawngaurd, the 5 from Hearthfire, and the 1 from DragonBorn?

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Also here's what my last papyrus Log says for my last playthrough (sorry for no spoiler tags, I'm new to these forums)-


error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()

[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.GoToNewPoint()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:58AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.FlyAway()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()
[11/10/2016 - 05:49:59AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:11AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequiphandlerscript", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:11AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequipmcmscript", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:13AM] Cannot open store for class "WPPlayerGoOutBedScript", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:13AM] error: Unable to bind script WPPlayerGoOutBedScript to 00WindAnimationForPlayerBasement (43033F71) because their base types do not match
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:13AM] error: Unable to bind script WPPlayerGoOutBedScript to 00WindAnimationForPlayer (43031F15) because their base types do not match
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:13AM] Cannot open store for class "xs2__prkf_xmapassivefingersmi_05112b24", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:13AM] Cannot open store for class "xxx_prkf_xxxpassivefingersmit_020a3756", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (2E1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property mysound2 on script WPKitchenGrillSelectScript attached to (43017C48) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property GEffect on script WPGrillScript attached to (43017C4A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] error: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (5B003DEF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0003BDE9) is not the right type
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] VM is freezing...
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] VM is frozen
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] Reverting game...
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] error: Unable to bind script WPPlayerGoOutBedScript to 00WindAnimationForPlayerBasement (43033F71) because their base types do not match
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:32AM] error: Unable to bind script WPPlayerGoOutBedScript to 00WindAnimationForPlayer (43031F15) because their base types do not match
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (2E1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property mysound2 on script WPKitchenGrillSelectScript attached to (43017C48) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property GEffect on script WPGrillScript attached to (43017C4A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] error: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (5B003DEF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0003BDE9) is not the right type
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (2E2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:50:33AM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:09AM] Loading game...
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldquestscript", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldfollowerscript", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldfollowerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldcustomshields", missing file?
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldcustomshields referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldcustomshields in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldquestscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] VM is thawing...
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM]
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] ==================================== UFO Compatibility ==============================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM]
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:10AM] =============================== Ignore errors below this line. ============================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 464
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 415
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 443
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "1nivWICCloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 417
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 443
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckWiCPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 419
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 443
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Cloaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 427
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 444
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Cloaks - No Imperial.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 429
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 444
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Cloaks - Player Only.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckCoSPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 431
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.CheckMainCloakPlugins() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 444
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 494
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "WetandCold - Holidays.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 557
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 561
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 569
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "iNeed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 590
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] =============================== Ignore errors above this line. ============================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] [simplyKnock] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] ==================================== UFO Compatibility ==============================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 25
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] Real Shelter Config: Checking For Frostfall:
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "RealShelterFF.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[RealShelterConfig (32013FEB)].RealShelterConfigScript.LocalChecks() - "RealShelterConfigScript.psc" Line 353
[RealShelterConfig (32013FEB)].RealShelterConfigScript.OnGameReload() - "RealShelterConfigScript.psc" Line 331
[alias PlayerAlias on quest RealShelterConfig (32013FEB)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] Frostfall Found? False
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "getSnowy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 595
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 606
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:11AM] error: File "EFFCore.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 619
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (15000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Initializing ~~~~~
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: SkyUI.esp
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Compatibility check complete.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] InitWidgetLoader()
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Campfire is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Loaded: SkyUI.esp
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Loaded: HearthFires.esm
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire] Campfire compatibility check complete.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:12AM] error: Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]
[iHUDControlQuest (19000805)].ihudwidgetscript.Initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38
[iHUDControlQuest (19000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93
[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (19002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20
[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (19002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 11
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:13AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (310C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings.
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:13AM]
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:13AM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:13AM]
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:15AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Running Maintenance ~~~~~
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:15AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: Checking if update is required. (Current Version: 1.000000) ~~~~~
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:15AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: SkyUI Installed ~~~~~
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:15AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:30AM] error: Unable to call RegisterForAnimationEvent - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptQuadruped.RegisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptQuadruped.OnEffectStart() - "footprintsFootstepsScriptQuadruped.psc" Line 49
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:30AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptQuadruped.OnEffectStart() - "footprintsFootstepsScriptQuadruped.psc" Line 49
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : cluxFixVanilla Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : cluxFixVanilla Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:43AM] CLUXMSG : Windhelm Light Enabled
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174D)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:44AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF001750)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:45AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:46AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174B)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 190
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerX_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 195
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerY_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 196
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174C)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::fSpawnerZ_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Argument variable "::PlayerRef_var" was not successfully looked up
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.PickRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 204
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.WarpToRandomPoint() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 279
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 72
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on critterFish. Aborting call and returning None
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275
[11/10/2016 - 05:51:48AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnStart() - "CritterFish.psc" Line 78
[ (FF00174F)].critterFish.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 275



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