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the rain


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Everyone probably notices this – as it did in Morrowind. Rain isn’t part of the physics engine, nor is getting wet for that matter so it’s most likely not something that can be fixed without a rewrite of how rain is handled in the source code.
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In nearly every 3d game, rain will fall trough everything, unless you are in a diffenrent Zone/Cell/map whatever.


Rain isnt exactly "Raindrops" that could fall on your roof. Rain is made out of lightgrey Stripes, being plastered over your View.


To make Real rain, you would have "Raindrop objects" that would despawn when hitting another Object. Every single Raindrop would have to be generated and simulated by the Physicsengine subprogramm of the game, which could lead to minor slowdown Problems.

Actually, you would have to measure the Speed pf the Game in "FPY" Frames per Year"...


But that wouldnt be enough: for every single Object in the Game you would need another script in place. If the Oject is hit by more then a certain number of Raindropsobjects in a certain amount of time, "Raineffects" would be spawned. Like little Streams of Water running down the Roofs and streets, a little "Mist" Aura around every Object including NPCs and Clothing getting a little bit darker as ist turns wet...


So you see, it is actually possible to simulate Rain better. I would like that. My Computer wont.

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