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Hair Conversion Question


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I want to convert a hairstyle from Anthony Lings Coiffure New Vegas to Skyrim, but I'm lost on how to do so. I've seen new hairstyles being released now, so I'm sure it can be done, but a push in the right direction would help a lot. I've located and extracted the .nif I want from the .BSA file, but simply overwriting a hairstyle doesn't seem to work. I've been playing with both the hairstyle I want to replace and the one I want to replace it with on NIFscope, and managed to export them both to Metaseqoia, but I'm not getting anywhere that makes any sense after that. I matched the two hairstyles up and replaced one with the other, but that didn't seem to do anything noteworthy.


I'm fairly certain I can't ask someone to do this for me, since it's a port of someone else's creation, or else I would ask, I'm not very good at this sort of thing. Could anyone let me know what steps I should be taking to do this?

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