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Having trouble with changing my skyrim mod's meshes to sse


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@To all
Thanks to SydneyB i saw that i didn't made triangulation and not added tangets. ><
Why because Arthmoor does not mention those two parts on his tutorial:
Damn what waste of hours for wrong editing. -_-
So i will try from the begining with the source tutorial SydneyB gave me and i'll let you know, thanks everybody. :smile:

When i do the third part, i'm getting a message "Update Tangets Spaces failed on one or more blocks (Block 8: Insufficient information to calculate tangents and bitangents. V: 1452, N: 0, Tex: 1452, Tris: 2416).
But after that i doing "Update All Tangent Spaces" and save, when i reload the meshes are fine, not like that:
so i do not need anymore to make the process twice, still not saw in game how it looks, first i need to edit all meshes and the esp to the end.

Edited by haldir307
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@To all

Thanks to SydneyB i saw that i didn't made triangulation and not added tangets. ><

Why because Arthmoor does not mention those two parts on his tutorial:


Damn what waste of hours for wrong editing. -_-



It's there in post #229.

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It wasn't when i saw that topic and started to edit. :D

When i have the textures path set from "textures\armor\imperialrangerset\irboots.dds",

then the mesh is white, no textures on it:
and when i the textures are set from "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Textures\armor\ImperialRangerSet\IRboots.dds" then the mesh has it's textures:
so, what is correct?
Having the textures viewable on the meshes or not?

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Hey people, good news, my mod is working now very well, thanks to all of you for helping me, but there is one problem now with the capes in creation kit and in game.
In CK i'm getting a message when i load the esp:

MASTERFILE: Armor 'SRSCape' (010053C3) used invalid Biped Object slot 46 for race 'DefaultRace'"
and i click "Yes to All", then i open the Biped Model of every cape in ArmorAddon i have on my mod, i get this message:
TEXTURES: (null) : (null) is missing an environment map"
i click "Yes to All" again, then i see the capes have weird shine over them, but in game its a very dark shadow.

What can i do?

By the way, should i use the SSE NIF Optimizer after editing the meshes?
Is it highly recommened?
Also how can i make the arrow craftable as a 50 pack instead one arrow?

Edited by haldir307
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You can check the list of available biped slots in the race window.

As for the textrures error, some of your meshes have Environment Mapping shader type set in BSLightingShaderProperty, but the environment map texture is missing in child BSShaderTextureSet (I think it is number 4 iirc).

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I've added the cubemap path, in ck i do not get the message in ArmorAddon, but in game the issue persist, that was never in the original mod even without the cubemap path.http://orig04.deviantart.net/6697/f/2016/324/1/5/issue_by_haldir307-dap1cp2.jpg

Edited by haldir307
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