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Persistent CtD problem, 99% sure I'm losing my mind.


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So I just decided to jump back into FO4 and get some mods and while, I've used nexus modding for skyrim/FO3/NV no problem, I'm getting destroyed by this NMM and possibly a combination of my mods.

So, currently, I'm having the following issue: After a fresh install, I can open the game from the steam launcher and the two launcher .exe's in the game folder no problem. However, with a fresh install of NMM with ZERO mods downloaded or installed, it will immediately CtD upon launch when I try to launch from the client.

I am using the following mods:

-unofficial fallout 4 patch


-armorsmith extended

-CROSS jetpack

-CROSS cybernetics

-DOOM weapons merged

-legendary overhaul

-live dismemberment

-snap 'n build

-vault 98

So far, I haven't seen anything here that should cause a conflict but this is absolutely killing me. I've re DL'd the game twice now.

I made a backup of the entire data folder from original installation, but restoring it and verifying game cache doesn't rectify the crashing issue. Once the CtD begins, it doesnt stop until I reDL the game.

This is driving me f*#@ing insane, I just want to play this goddamn game, what am I doing wrong?

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Your not making a lot of sense.


You say you have no mods installed then follow that by listing the mods your using.


Your "Backing up and restoring" the data folder? Nearly the entire game is in that folder and it's sub folder. Your most likely "backing up and restoring" your problems.


Neither Steam or NMM "run" the game, both of them simply open the .exe file they are told to.


There is only 1 "Launcher" exe, "Fallout4Launcher.exe" - The launcher gives you access to options not found ingame. Once you hit play, it closes and opens the actual game executable, "Fallout4.exe".


PS How long has it been since you played FO4? Many things have changed.



How to enable modding

  1. Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4"
  2. Within this folder you'll find a number of .ini files.
  3. Open (or create, if missing) Fallout4Custom.ini with your favorite text editor (we use Notepad++).
  4. Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  5. Save and close Fallout4Custom.ini


Source: Fallout 4 Mod installation


Check if any of your mods require F4SE, if any do, you must start the game using the FS4E executable.


Use LOOT to sort your load order.


Also get Fallout 4 Configuration Tool, it's awesome.

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Loot doesn't always work ok, it put Scrap Everything about half way down my plugin order, so it didn't work, I had to drag it down to the bottom, then it worked fine.


Have you tried atarting it using the Fallout 4 launcher and playing until you get outside the Vault? Then save it and try loading it using NMM.

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