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Better weapons?


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I am in my first play through and I must be doing something wrong or I am missing something completely. I am currently level 30 and still have the sword I got from the Smith in Whiterun: Skyforge Steel Sword. I also have a Glass Mace that I duel wield.


I have not found a better weapon than those two in game yet. I have use crafting to make both Superior. My damage output says 98.


I am walking through most enemies. Boss fights may require a couple of potions or healing spells. My biggest concern is that I have a weapon that has not changed for almost 20 levels. It gets old and boring seeing it.


What am I doing wrong?

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Hmm, you should be part way through the "Glass stage" so I'm surprised you've only found that one glass weapon. You're also moving into the Ebony range so you should start seeing those drop soon-ish.

Technically you're not doing anything wrong though, as long as your weapons are enough to kill enemies in a reasonable fashion then they're fine. If you want better ones and don't want to wait for one to drop then your only real option is craft/enchant them yourself. Sometimes you can find pretty good weapons on merchants (the merchant inventory levels as you level), but expect to pay a few thousand coin on them.

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You are not doing anything wrong, the Skyforge Steel weapons are just handed out free to players way too early compared to other leveled weapons you could find in the world. They are a bit stronger than Orcish/Dwarven weapons, and on par with Elven/Glass. That said, as mentioned above you should be pushing into the Ebony range soon and will have many upgrades available then. Alternatively you could try hunting down some Daedric artifact weapons.
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If you don't want to craft your own new weapon then visit your favorite blacksmith or general goods vendor. If he/she doesn't have anything interesting then wait 2 in-game days and talk to them again. This is the amount of time it takes for them to replenish their gold supply and get a shipment of new inventory.

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