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Vanishing weapon when DW


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So I've got a very strange problem, when I use DW, the left hand weapon vanishes and only the character's fist remains, the animations play as normal, but the character is swinging a fist around as opposed to a weapon. A weapon sound is played upon a hit though. This happens with any weapon, both from mods and stock vanilla. With mods enabled It will display on the hip (DW redux), but once drawn it simply vanishes into thin air, the weapon's scabbard remains on the hip though. In pure vanilla mode with all deactivated it's still a fist, the weapon simply does not show although the animations play properly.


I use Mod Organizer, have no mesh files in the overwrite folder that could be potentially causing this issue.


What could cause such an issue? I get that some weapons without a DW redux mesh would vanish, but this doesn't explain why it happens to vanilla weapons as well.


Thanks for any help.

Edited by reaperswpz
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