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Skyrim Crash Issue After Uninstalling ICBINE


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Sorry if this has been answered, I can't find it.


Earlier today I used a program that I saw suggested online to remove ICBINE as I didn't enjoy the visuals it gave my game at night.


The program is called ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover and it can be found at the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7804/?


I used this program without really knowing what I was doing, and now I deeply regret this poor decision. I basically clicked the [Remove] button a few times and was so excited to have my game look normal again.


Upon going to NMM and running Skyrim how I always do with SKSE, the command prompt opens like normal, then either nothing happens or Skyrim flashes for a split second. This has never happened to me before. I usually at least get the "Bethesda" logo back when I actually had it.


I hope someone has some ideas. I have already attempted to delete and reinstall all of the Main Skyrim folder. (Made a backup of data, ini, plugins, and info.)


Thanks for all insight!


(I already tried LOOT)


UPDATE: I have now officially deleted all local content through steam and deleted ini folder. Reinstalled and the problem persists with no mods.

Edited by drblackapple
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