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NPCs have no voice


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Went back to playing Skyrim from Enderal and after 2 days, NPCs stopped producing sounds when speaking to PC. When they speak to others, it can be heard.


Tried Enderal again and SSE. No problem with NPC vocalizations. So it is not a system sound problem.


Have had no success with Google in finding a solution that works. Started new games, unplugged USLEP, removed recently installed mods, tried "True 3D Sound for Headphones", checked cache with Steam, etc.


Checked [ARCHIVE] list in Skyrim_Default.ini


Downloaded all Skyrim data files from Steam. Started a new game without any mods. No one spoke and the game did not advance after the wagon stopped in Helgen.


Solution: Unpacked Voice bsa files to Skyrim\Data\Sound.


If anyone has an alternative solution to using loose voice files, please let me know.

Edited by ThD17gj692
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