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[REQ] Printing Press


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I posted about this on Reddit last night and haven't gotten any replies, so I figured I would post here and see if this community is any more active. :laugh:

So what the printing press would be is just a duplicate of the builder from the Contraptions Workshop DLC, that only has a single recipe:


1 Cloth = 1 Pre-War Money


That's all I'm asking.

I tried downloading the creation kit and messing around with it to see if I could make this mod myself because I didn't think it would be too complicated. Turns out I have literally no idea what I'm doing, so I figured I would ask someone who is more experienced if they would be willing to do it for me.

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Alright im uploading a file which has the builder which does what you want, feel free to do what you want with it :tongue: also i havent tested it, hopefully works D:


Heres link http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19923/?

I tested it out and left some notes on the mod page. :D


Don't let those people posting on it get you down btw man, they just don't understand what it is. But I can guarantee I'm not the only person who wants this.

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Okay, so I opened this up in the CK because even though I cannot make mods, and barely understand what I am looking at, I am still interested in learning things.

But I cannot for the life of me figure out where you put the "1 Cloth --> 1 PW Money" recipe, or how you got the recipe to work without a need for a terminal for that matter. :wacko:

I was looking at some modding tutorials before I posted this request, and from what I can see, did you somehow make this in only two files?

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Well I've just about re-created the mod, I'm just working on figuring out how to get the Pre-War Money to come out quicker, but I think I may have figured it out. :D

Edit: I was wrong, I have not figured it out.


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