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No increase of magika at level-up.


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Ok, so I'm a little late to the party. I just purchased Oblivion for the 360 and I could use a little info. My character is a level 16 Breton with a focus on alchemy. My problem is this; once I reached 100 intelligence I noticed I stopped gaining magika when leveling up. When I was level 14 I had 250 magika. Two levels later I still have 250. Does magika increase with each level and if so what would prevent me from gaining more? Lastly, I have no diseases and no active effects listed that effect magic except my race and birth sign, the thief.


Thank you and have a nice day.

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Unfortunately, a character's level is not involved in determining how much magicka they have. The only attribute which increases directly as the character levels up is their health. As your character has already reached 100 intelligence, if you want to raise your magicka further, you'll need to use Fortify Magicka enchantments on your gear.


Hope this helps :)

Edited by SilverCobra126
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I'm unfamiliar with the 360, so I've no idea if you can run mods. But if you can, check to see whether there are mods that change racial bonuses and/or magical systems. There are many of both for the PC version, and at least some will ll allow you to take that max higher.
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