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Colorful things (powder?) falling from the sky (outdoors) and ceilings (indoors)


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I am having a very weird issue that even after 6 years of fixing every issue I encountered, nothing was like this.

Whether it is indoors or outdoors, I keep getting this weird thing coming from above the ceiling or the skies that looks like drizzle. I am pretty sure it has to do with some of the mods I have but I wonder if it is a weather mods. Because I spammed shout "Clear Skies" and it never disappeared. If this was a weather mod problem (missing textures or conflicts) shouldn't Clear Skies clear it?

Please view full size to see the effect I am talking about





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Any help is appreciated, I know I'm being lazy and that disabling mods one by one might help find the issue but if you see the list you'd know that would take ages, which is why I am asking in case someone knows what's going on and could save me the trouble. Honestly I'd rather just reinstall the game again with the mods instead of using that method of testing, I wish I had the time but I don't. I also haven't paid attention to my modlist in years now, could be some really useless, buggy or no longer viable mods, so If you know anything, please tell me.



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I will add a comment here just to make it visible because it is significant. I loaded another save with the same modlist and no drizzle effect, I am guess it was one of those bad scripts that remain on your save even after deleting the mod. Anyway, just wanted to let someone know if they encountered this issue.

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