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Can't start Diplomatic Immunity


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Hey there!

My main quest is bugged and I cannot start the Diplomatic Immunity quest. I can't do it with commands either, and temporarily disabling all my mods does nothing either.

I've seen a couple people who have had the same issue as me, but there seems to be no solution for any of them :/ (except using SetStage which doesn't work for me).


So I was wondering if there is an editor with which I can edit save files to set the quest value of MQ201 manually. Cause using Notepad to open the saves doesn't really output legible English (unsuprisingly).

Or if you can think of a better way to force start the quest please tell me!




EDIT: Nevermind resolved it by skipping the entire quest by command and starting the next one using a command

Edited by k3ksmonst3r
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