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My Personal Rant about The Nexus



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"good mod" is an entirely subjective term, and having a sites policies based off the views of one close minded individual, isnt a very good idea

Yes, you're right about that, but, still, I ended the rant a couple posts ago, it's over, you're not getting any replies from me. Edited by avidmelon
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It's very simple, if the admins and the mods allowed modders to be trolled on the comment pages then modders would either disable comments or simply stop uploading and sharing their mods.


Most people make mods for themselves and then they decide to share them because they know some users will show appreciation for what they did or that the mod will be of help to anyone who can't mod.


Nobody is uploading mods to get spit at (even virtually). If you're harrassing a modder he or she may stop contributing or even leave the site and ultimately it's the entire community that will lose because of all the mods this modder would have released over the years. The modder will most certainy keep modding the game but don't expect him or her to share anymore.


This thread is gathering attention to a real problem behind all the flaming and baiting and that's the fact that newer disrespectful users are becoming a nuisance to older members of the community who have learned to respect and abide by the rules of the Nexus.

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outfits that ruin the realism.


Doh, it's a fantasy game - there is no realism involved. :rolleyes: NO mod is real, just as the game itself is not real. The mods are not intended to be 'real'. Evidently you are one of those who believe if it's not MY fantasy, then it should not be allowed. NOBODY else is allowed to have a fantasy unless its the same as mine.


I would call that an extremely selfish attitude. Not everyone, not even our lore mongers can agree on what does and what does not fit in the game. That's why we enforce the 'if you don't like it, move along and don't bother to comment.' That and we don't want to be a 4chan wannabe with haters and trolls taking up most of the comments on mods.


Based on your profile, you have been here about 4 months and you already seem to think you know more about how we work than the old timers. Like that adult filter thing you seem to have missed, or the tag search.


There are several other mod sites just getting started, and a few that have been around a year or so with the games we support, I recommend you check them out to see what the 'competition' looks like. Maybe one of them is better suited to your discriminating taste.


As for how we run the site, and what we do and don't allow, according to you we must be doing something wrong. If so, we have only been doing it wrong for the last TEN YEARS. Longer than any other independent game support site I know of. :tongue:


Definition of Troll: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trolling

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Uhm... no, just no. I'm not going this way now. I was going to post something, but no.


It's Christmas. I'm in a pretty bad mood for months already and don't want to go further down now.


Besides, any word into this direction is wasted, as it's the same as talking to a wall. There are people who just won't understand, so it's better not to try. I've given up the kind of you and am pretty much ashamed for being of the same species lately.


I can't repeat it often enough to those individuals claiming getting banned for "constructive" criticism around here to show evidence to their claims, yet nothing ever comes. "Proof or it didn't happen", but as I know it didn't happen, there'll also be no proof.


Why is the Nexus so famous? Is it because all users come here for downloads? Then why do they come here? Because here are the most mods. Why are the most mods here? Because the most modders are here. Why are the most modders here, if the rules are so ridiculously wrong? Well, guess we like them exactly the way they are, and for a reason. Else we wouldn't be here, now would we?


I'm counting several open rule breaks in one topic, continuously discussing staff actions in public, again a bannable offense, and the thread title itself together with the location it was posted in is just asking for trouble, yet you're still not banned... Wow, those moderators really must be "banhappy"! :no:


Bah, see what you made me do? Now I posted anyways...


If my mood keeps going down that way and I keep posting stuff like this due to it, I'll definitely get myself banned one day.

And just so you know, it's real life issues making my mood go down, not the nonsense I'm regularly reading around here. I'm pretty thick-skinned compared to many others I know and normally don't even care about these things. It's just lately I'm far less silent than I was the last 30 years. Go figure.

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My friend got banned for trolling, when he was rather serious, good god, you moderators need to learn what "trolling" means.

As you can see on the left of this post, I've been on this site for over 4 years (in fact, before Nexus even existed, it was another site back then), and only made 40 comments so far. On most sites I tend to make 500-1000 posts a year.


This is the best and possibly an essential way to avoid ban - don't post if you can help it. Some sites are pro-community and let free speech prosper, others try to be corporate and keep comments to "yes" "no" "thank you". Know one from another, and you won't get banned on either.



Hm, surprised I'm not banned yet, welp, I simply don't like the fact that all the perverted "Z-SIZE BOUNCY TITTIES, TENTACLE RAPE,GUNS, AND ANIME" mods get the front page while the actual good mods that add something are buried beneath the s***, and get no endorsements, AT ALL.

People like Z-size titties, tentacles and +100 guns. What do you expect them to endorse, things they don't like? Just understand endorsements are no measure of the worth of a work, only its popularity.

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Why are the most mods here? ... Else we wouldn't be here, now would we?

This begs the question, why do most PC users use MS Windows? Is it because Windows is such a great OS and better in every way than Linux, MacOS, Neutrino and everything else?


Windows has nothing on either Linux or MacOS, except for one thing: almost all the software out there is for Windows only. And it will remain Windows-only, as long as everyone uses Windows (because all the software is for it). Vendor lock-in, you can't switch unless all parties decide to do it at once, and they need a damn good 1775-sized reason.


Not being allowed to hold in-depth discussions is not reason enough. Video ads being shoved in any downloader's face... that's almost enough, and I try to post my mods anywhere else when I can. But unfortunately audience size matters sometimes.

You might actually like these rules, but please don't take it to mean everyone who posts their mods here does. A lot of people don't like them, just tolerate them.

Edited by FMod
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You might actually like these rules, but please don't take it to mean everyone who posts their mods here does. A lot of people don't like them, just tolerate them.


That's what that agree button you click before or during(I can't remember exactly) the making of your account here is for. Once a member you are bound to respect certain rules. You don't have to like them or hate them, you simply have to agree or not.

Edited by Pushkatu
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Once a member you are bound to respect certain rules. You don't have to like them or hate them, you simply have to agree or not.

Well, that's largely what I said: not everyone who agrees to abide by the rules actually likes them. I'd wager most people who read them don't. But you don't have to like body cavity searches to still grind your teeth and fly on airlines, it still beats walking from LA to NYC. Nexus is no different.

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This begs the question, why do most PC users use MS Windows? Is it because Windows is such a great OS and better in every way than Linux, MacOS, Neutrino and everything else?

While we're begging already, I beg to differ.


I definitely hate this terrible OS for the way it is designed from a software designers point of view. It so contradicts everything I learned at university about a clean and ordered design and user-friendly'ness, the principles of user interfaces in general, and I won't ever dare to release a software designed that horrible way myself. I disapprove of software thinking it has more knowledge to the matter than the user by any means and in all cases. I hate software trying to patronize me. I "do" know these things better than this cheaply designed, lousy piece of code trash they call an OS! And I hate M$ Windows products with a passion.


But I'm forced to use it. I need it for work as most software I'm forced to use only runs on Windows platforms. I know all the others and was and am also using most of them myself already, but I have to keep a version of Windows installed and running for job purposes.


The difference though is, I'm not "forced" to publish my mods at the Nexus. I'm not forced to publish my mods "at all". That's not why I'm modding and nobody should be.


Let me make this clear, I only came here, because I was asked to share my mods by several people, and I stayed here, because I like this place, the people around here, and because there are people interested in my work who want to stay informed, not to forget now that I released my mods here I also have to maintain support in my comments here, else I wouldn't feel fine with it.


As long as people want to use my mods, have questions or need help, or are interested in my progress, I'll be around here. If nobody wants to have my mods anymore and noone cares for me keeping him up-to-date with my latest developments anymore, I'll have no cause for staying here any longer... unless there are other things to contribute... knowledge for example, or simply helping out with questions whereever I can.


I'm not here, because I have to. I'm here, because I want to. Go figure out why.


edit: Oh, and the general disclaimer behind all my posts, which I always forget to add:


"These are my opinions and only mine. They're of no meaning or value to anybody else than me, nor do I suggest or expect anybody else to think the same way as I do, or even care about what I'm writing."

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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