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Main Menu music


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First off I'd like to say what a great set of websites and community the Nexus is. I've been using it for little over a year now, but never really pressed the "forum" button until I had a question of my own. Figures, dun'it?


What I'm wondering is what it'd take to turn

into the music played in the main menu, or if somebody would be interested in doing this and releasing it. I frankly don't know the how's or what's when it comes to asking the original artist(s) for permission, whether it's needed or not and what else you'd have to do to get this done. Please, do tell. Her voice (though edited) is amazing, and combined with the main menu replacer would just give a whole new feeling to the main menu. (I know we don't play games for their main menu's, but still :P)




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I believe this mod exists somewhere. I don't know where, but I could swear I saw it in the YouTube comments.


Also, FYI, her voice isn't edited. It's called reverb, and it's something any good music producer adds to a vocal track. She just added an excessive amount of reverb, which I personally think sounds awesome and gives an ethereal sound to it.

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I believe this mod exists somewhere. I don't know where, but I could swear I saw it in the YouTube comments.


Also, FYI, her voice isn't edited. It's called reverb, and it's something any good music producer adds to a vocal track. She just added an excessive amount of reverb, which I personally think sounds awesome and gives an ethereal sound to it.

Fair enough. I'm not familiar with many of the media terms. I guess you learn something new everyday.


As for the mod that's out there ; I know there's a "Lara and Taylor" version where there's two talented girls doing the Skyrim and Morrowind theme on piano and violin, but haven't found this one yet.

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Sorry, I realize my comment came out a little aggressive. It's just that I saw on YouTube a lot of people complaining how her voice is "edited" or "not real", and as a composer/producer myself, it kinda ticked me off. No offense toward you (:


And I think this is the file:



You didn't come over as agressive, no worries. And thanks for the file, I feel kinda derpy now not having found it on my own xD. Can this be closed?

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