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Invisible weapon


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I've made a weapon, added textures, damage, a name etc. And when it's lying around on the ground, it's fine. Yet if I'm to, say, hold it in my hand or view it in my inventory, it's completely invisible. I can still attack with it, everything. I've made both meshes necessary, and I can't see anything I've missed out in the .esp file. Can anyone help? The files are stored here


Thanks in advance


P.S. The important files are the ones about the 'SkyDaedricMace'.

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Bump? By the way, I've found that if I replace the STAT entry for the weapon, with say 1stPersonDaedricMace instead, it works with the daedric sprite. I can't find anything wrong with what I've done though, no matter how hard I try.


So make a new STAT record?

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Fixed your problem by changing paths from meshes\niallmcfc\Weapons\skyDaedric\skydaedricmace.nif to meshes\Weapons\skyDaedric\skydaedricmace.nif and updating the esp appropriately. The location for textures does not matter apparently because I didn't touch the NIFs. Apparently there is a specific requirement for weapons meshes to be under a "weapons" folder. Thanks for helping me learn something today.


Great model BTW.

Edited by jimhsu
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