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2 Hours of Learning, still broken


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So, I want the hood (off variant, but that doesn't matter) of hunting grounds to work with nightingale mask addition. Quick and easy removed the black parts covering the eyes on the mask.


First problem:


- Both the hood and mask occupy slots 44.


First solution:


- Changed the bdismemberskininstance partition to slot 55 for the mask (both _0 and _1) * Specifically "SBP_55_MOD_FACE_JEWELLRY"

- Went to TES5Edit and changed the armor addon and armor slot values to 55 - Unnamed

- Saved it all, confirmed completely changed, nothing is overwriting the values in the game. All the slots are set to be completely correct


What happens:


- First, the esp is changed, so i can equip both at the same time now perfectly fine.

- The problem, the mask is invisible. Every single one of the 10-15 help threads I've looked at said it is visible if all slots are set correctly. Everyone even had it work that asked for help. Mine doesn't seem to work, I haven't tried this before and I tried it again with the hood instead setting it to slot 57, same result.




- If I change the esp back to the original slots, they are visible just like default, even though the nifskope slots and esp slots do NOT match, like I never even changed the nif. They show up perfectly then, but that means I also can't take either one of them off of slot 44.



Help is very graciously appreciated, I can model decently well and I am a programmer, so I'm kind of baffled on how this doesn't work.

If you want me to get any screenshots lemme know. I can even just put the files on dropbox if anyone wants to see why this doesn't work.


To me, it appears as though regardless of whatever change I make in nifskope, it isn't really giving a f***, and so the .nif expects slot 44 anyway. Somehow.

Edited by mperrdev
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