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Immersive Vertibird Travel


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Um why must we visit a place before we can fly there? To me it makes vertibird travel almost useless. There are several places in the story arc where you can simply just fly to a couple of locations and handle business.


So why can't there be away to disable the requirement for having already been somewhere before you can fly there? Is there a way to make it to where all one has to is just fly there?


And the same for a particular organizations Star Trek technology. They can do what they do but you have to have been there first? Come on. You have the coordinates in your pip boy already, the machines can send you there.


That like wanting to visit a place and wanting to take a plane to get there. So there you are buying your ticket and you're told. "Oh you haven't been there before ... so you'll need to drive out there first and them come back so we can fly you out there next time."


Silly right?

Edited by Skyviper086
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Yes and no. The vertibird travel system is based on the fast travel system, which is why it is set up that way. And the developers really wanted you to go out and explore the entire map. All the little details they spent years working on would be missed if you could just pick a spot and fly from location to location.


However, that aside, I would also love to see this feature. It would be much more plausible. It would go great with the Neutral Vertibirds mod, which is an awesome mod you should totally get if you don't have it.


But I'm not sure if such a change to the vertibirds is possible.

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Neutral Vertibirds is awesome. I did have some problems with the weapon upgrade beta version. For some reason when I land at an area people will go around trying to find an enemy that isn't there.. I'm trying another version this go around.


I see what you're saying about missing all those little things that walking can find. Maybe something can scripted so when you're flying around you can hear the pilot say "Hey something interesting is going on down there. Do you wanna land and get a closer look?"

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