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Preset Characters


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First, I'd like to say that there are some really gorgeous preset characters on Nexus Mods. Excellent work! *claps enthusiastically*


Now, I am having issues with getting preset downloaded creations to show up in my game. I think I understand that I have to have all components that was used for a copy of the downloaded toon to look exactly the same in my Skyrim. I do also use Nexus Mod Manager. My question is this: is there a way to be able to have the character show up in game that I can click an icon and they are there? I am using the RaceMenu and SKSE so I have the appropriate tabs showing and one even says "Presets" but nothing I have downloaded in the past has ever showed up there. How do I do this and please be kind. I am really new to modding with Skyrim.


Ty in advance.

Edited by rocknRev4Christ
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