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Failed: Attend Your Wedding Ceremony?


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This is the strangest bug I have ever seen in Skyrim: I go to marry an NPC, and even though I select "I do, now and forever", the Priest gives me the Ring, but it says "Failed: Attend Your Wedding Ceremony" and the NPC suddenly hates me. I only have the Official DLC and Legendary Unofficial Patch installed. Does anyone know a way around this? Console Commands aren't letting me marry NPCs either, or at least, they're not talking to me like they're married to me.

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Strangely, most conversations you can quick end by pressing your mouse, but this one, you definitely don't want to. Just reload an earlier save and let Maramal go through his spiel on marriage. When you get to the part of "I do" just click the option once and let him finish speaking.

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Any other idea on how to fix this? Letting the M speak did not help. Tried resurrecting everyone who attended via console, opening an earlier save, but nothing, Could it be a problem with saves? In Skyrim Legendary edition everything works, but when I transfer saves to Special Edition, I am getting the bug.


EDIT> just started a brand new game in SSE, and I have the bug again. So it is not the compatibility issue, it must be something in my game.

Edited by unaloona
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