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It all depends on what your interested in. Do you want the game to feel more like real life or do you want the game to look more like real life or do you just want some mods that'll make it more fun?


I would recommend installing SkyUI, T.A.Z Visual overhaul, ReAl Water - insane0h HD Water replacement overhaul, 2k Road Snow Footprints, Realistic Needs and Diseases, and Immersive Armors.


If for whatever reason, you can't run skyrim with T.A.Z Visual Overhaul, then I would recommend Stakado Cinemascope ENB (Independent Version) and Vivid Weathers.


There are plenty of graphical enhancement mods for skyrim but you need to know what your computer can handle before downloading any of those and like I said, it's hard to tell you what mods you should use without knowing your personal taste. The mods I recommended will make your skyrim look quite a bit better and feel more immersive. There are other mods that just add some fun things like overpowered spells or funny followers, but without knowing what your looking for, I can't be very helpful. :smile:

Edited by SkyTaylor21
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