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Odd Phenomena: "weightless kats"


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Hello folks:


Well, for starters: the only cheat I used is "Player.ForceAV Carryweight 5000", for the rest I redecorated Proudspire with Dwemer stuff.

I use the save file from Amrok Proudspire Manor to begin my game.


I use mods like Tytanus' Ultimate Mod, as well as a ton of graphical enhancements.


All was well, game works swell, no single error or even a small hickup, until I whacked a Sabretooth....

The cat flew away, and began to bump around like a basketball on PCP.

Now, I would not care, really, if that phenomena did not also prevent me from looting the cat...


Anyone that lknows a fix, or maybe a console command to fix this annoyance?


Any hint to a fix would be appreciated.


Thank you all in advance.


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If you have disabled Vsync (vertical sync) then you will have issues like this and worse. The game engine

is very buggy this way if allowed to go above 60fps or is uncapped.


If you have not done this then I dunno. I can say even in the default config odd events like this can happen on occasion. Physics

in Bethesda games using this engine is just goofy at times.


As a side issue. I learned to avoid save games others have uploaded for these games. You see, you never know

what some goofball has done or if they are a goofball or not. Many of the console settings one can set in the game are inheritable

from save game to save game.

Not saying that is a issue here, it is just something that may happen.



No experience yet with Tyantis. I'm just watching it for now. I'm avoiding major game changing mods until well after the TK is around.

Does look interesting for sure.


Good luck.

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