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I think kunai would be a nice weapon to have for stealth players. Not only as a dagger but as a thrown weapon as well. They shouldn’t be very strong weapons, only meant for back stabs with the dagger one and distractions with the thrown ones.

I was thinking the thrown ones could be kind of like the “ice spike” spell in the destruction school of magic. But unlike ice spike and more like a one handed bow shot that doesn’t alert everyone to your location only to the location of what the kunai hit.

On another note.. This maybe gay.. I don’t even like the anime naruto anymore and haven’t for years but.. It might be fun to have thrown kunai with explosives tags, kind of like how I described the thrown ones before but with the addition that they stick to what they hit till some mindless fool walks into them like a “fire rune”. and there shouldn’t be a limit to how many explosive tagged kunai can be out at once.

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I do not think you can make thrown weapons in Skyrim. I have yet to confirm this as I do not know this 100% myself.

We can make it, however: Nobody wants/is able to make the animations needed. The models themself are easy, the scripts are not that hard, but the animations .. ugh.


There are few modders compared to gamers. There are even less who model. There are even less fo thoose who do animations. I reckon about 3 people out of 500 could animate a good animations.

We also need a way to get it in-game, and we need scripts. So the CK would be required.

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oh i didnt mean a real thrown weapon i was thinking more along the lines of it being a spell. one like the ice spike spell but having it look like a kunai and it being a soundless cast, and the other being the same but then sticking to what it hits like the ice spike spell + rune spells.
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