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somthing i reccomend for tes:5 (or possibly a mod)


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something i reckon they should be considering for TES:5 ( or if possible a TES:4 mod^^)

although it may be a bad idea but, yea a card game, a from of chess or a lore inspired games, some sort of mini-game that you (the PC) and the rest of the continent play ( maybe different games in different areas) but yea the citizens of Tamriel need a form of play to relax with.


they cant be sitting around in bars just drinking now can they (maybe a form of darts using havoc engine? or even pool?)

the action figues and dice mod gave me the idea lol


anyway its a long shot, and probably will take enormous amount of work but i reckon it would be better then just sitting around town to relax after clearing a couple of caves or/and walking all over the continent killing anyhting that moves (it would also add a bit of re playability, with tournements or contests) :thumbsup:


this is my first post by the way :ninja:


im not sure where i should put this post :unsure:

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omg, like wizard chess or w/e in harry potter!


a chess board, divided up into sections, maybe you have to type it in, but you could probably make it clickable, then the peices (action figures, w/e) that you move go kill the one that is in its space!

awesome bloody chess of death!


one in each bar, or inn, or something like that would be cool as hell.

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