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Question: Merging Instance Naming Lists (INNR)

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Hey all.

So I have been working on adding a new weapon attachment to the laser rifle in one of my mods. I would like for this attachment to add a custom prefix to the laser rifle the same way any other attachment does. Obviously, I do not want to directly alter the vanilla dn_commonguns INNR list. I would rather the attachment not add any prefix then mess around with vanilla lists. I also know that Far Harbour has a script which merges its new INNR lists into the base game vanilla lists. I would prefer to implement this script (InstanceNamingRulesManagerScript) in my mod without making the mod dependent on DLC03 - assuming that this is possible and ethical - but I do not know how to go about doing this.

Any assistance or direction is very much appreciated.

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Tutorial for scripted adding to formlists: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12192/


Thanks but will this work for INNR entries?


Because those are not really form lists, from what I can tell, and I think the way that Bethesda does it in Far Harbour probably works best. Just wondering if it is possible to get the script from DLC03 into a mod without creating a DLC03 dependency, and how if it is.

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Whether you can get the script over technically without the dependency doesn't matter, in terms of Bethesda's rules you can't legally port any DLC asset into a mod and make your mod not require the DLC it came from. If you want to use the DLC script, you're required to make it dependent on that DLC. As for the technical part of your question, I'm afraid this is an area I just don't know enough about to answer, sorry. :(

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Whether you can get the script over technically without the dependency doesn't matter, in terms of Bethesda's rules you can't legally port any DLC asset into a mod and make your mod not require the DLC it came from. If you want to use the DLC script, you're required to make it dependent on that DLC. As for the technical part of your question, I'm afraid this is an area I just don't know enough about to answer, sorry. :sad:

Yeah, I think so, as well.


Wondering how can I construct a similar script in Creation Kit that will accomplish the same thing. Not sure the tutorial above is for me. It references FOEdit a lot and I do not think INNR count as form lists.

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  • 1 year later...
Apologies for Necro'ing this thread, but here's my solution, anyone reading this is free to do what they like with it, just rename it and attach it to a run-once empty quest,

Scriptname (INSERTNAMEHERE) extends Quest

InstanceNamingRules Property MyRules auto

InstanceNamingRules Property dn_CommonGun Auto

Event OnInit()



;dn_CommonGun can be anything you like by manually setting the property different than it auto-fills in the CK, so you don't even need to change it. Could be a bunch of lists on either side of the "MergeWith" function using structs and arrays, if you need a hand with such PM me and I'll see what I can do for ya, just don't expect prompt replies, I don't check my mail here very often.

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