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how do i optimize my skyrimpref.ini and skyrim.ini for my pc


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my pc is a


Processor : Intel® Pentium® CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz


Installed memory (RAM) 4GB (3.80GB usable)


System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based Processor



i been trying to play skyrim with all dlcs and skse and skyui and Tamriel online and Stable uGrids to load -cell stabilizer and skyrim project optimization -skyrim project optimization-full version i dare say i only get 6fps while playing it under low graphic settings

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1. I'm guessing you have windows 10. If so, navigate to your start menu > XBOX app > XBox settings (found under the 3 bar tab in the top left) > XBOX DVR. Then turn off the DVR.

2. You can download some premade skyrimprefs and ini's off the Nexus and then just go in and change the settings to match your computer. In your skyrimprefs.ini you will put under sd3dddevice your graphics card.

Mine is:
sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 870M"


Other than that, I don't know.

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