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Vampire "Overhaul?" / Vampire Immersion Realism mod


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Firstly Before i say anything i would like to apologise for any spelling errors and such i have been awake for Waaay to long, anyway onto the main point - After Just Brainstorming ideas and watching two vampire Classics, 1958 and 1966 - Yeah CLASSICS, i've come up with some ideas for vampirism Obviously - Anyway


First off, Stages of hunger in Vampirisim Reversed e.g. Strongest When recently fed, (Stage one)

and vice versa - Weakened when blood starved. - i think this will improve the game play in the sense that you will actually have a valid reason, and will Need to feed regularly.


1: Well Fed/ Recently Fed

;Moderately Weakend by sunlight - No Magicka energy or health Regeneration in sunlight (Just as vanilla).

;High default stats gain 125% increase, able to use Several Powers that would usually only be available at stage 4 in vanilla.

;No sun damage.


2: Fairly Hungry

; 120% base Stats

;Sun damage Light, able to run from say dragons reach to the Alchemy shop in whiterun without dying (non sprinting) - but pretty much otherwise lethal


3: Hungry

; 105% Base Stats, Lethal Sun Damage.


4: Blood Starved

; 90% of Base stats, Sun Lethal.

; some sort of ability that might involve Being able to seduce a Humonoid, Perhaps Control

them like a follower for a short time in which case you could order them to Lie down in bed to feed.


[[(just as a follower you don't need to initiate chat to order them to request actions - its quick and simple to ordering your followers to attack sit on a bench or sleep)]],

NOTE: this is done by holding down E while looking at your active follower and then moving the Pointer off (yes this is in the Vanilla game if you didn't know).


Or An illusion spell of some sort ( Mainly as a backup Ability for feeding, in this situation trying to call forth Stressed and Desperate game play.)

Note: again hopefully going for a less "weakened" type situation and instead more "desperate".


If possible, implement a mod to make people weaker after having been fed on, Or even to go as far as Turning Others.(needs moar thought)


Improved night vision, able to semi life detect enemies

(perhaps only detect life where your actually currently looking

; I.E Focusing on target)

If possible to see blood and veins. would be awesome in my humble opinion


Increased jump height, i like to play with >player.setgs fJumpHeightMin 200 (when role playing my vampire character, obviously normal characters i like and enjoy the standard jump height)

If possible, Implement Jumping mod, perhaps a once-a-day power, in which gives

the vampire the ability to Access previously inaccessible Heights.


OR Instead perhaps just make it an activatable ability like The High elf racial power Highborn - Meaning non magical spell-

And say it boosts the jump height of the vampire by a rather large amount for a few short seconds at the cost of around 30% to 80% of max stamina.


Change Basic-to-Master (meaning it levels with the stages of Hunger) Reanimate command

to instead Basic-to-Master Command Humanoid command.

=Eyes of the Vampire= personally sounds like a nice name for this instead of vampire servant


and lastly

A mod that allows feeding in combat, either Knocking the opponent unconscious in combat

and feeding

or an animation invloving Drinking blood like a werewolf does.( obviously this is a Stupid request, but on the other hand i have seen allot of good fan made animations)

If the above isin't possible, Then something along the lines of feeding on the recently dead.





That's pretty much all i can think of at the moment again my deepest apologies for the parts that may not make complete sense as i mentioned i am lacking sleep at this said moment.

anyways feel free to take/adapt these mentioned ideas for anything you might have and add to it, but note this is my person wish for a vampire mod overhaul your preferences may be completely different-

- and sorry if I'm doing something really really derpy like posting this in the morrowind section or something along those lines xD


Peace, Zazin

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There will be a lot of vampire mods flying around. Personally I like the idea that the powers come from the hunger, it's a nice reverse that kinda fits with it being a desease with feeding being a temporary therapy.


Feeding could be done a bit like soul trap or the decapitation event. Killing with your bare hands could trigger the feed-kill giving you a smaller boost than a sleeping person.



Though a companion that knows about your vampirism would be interesting. Maybe Cattle could be added to the world. useless little mortals to snack on during adventures.

Edited by davesoft
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I agree, the stages should work backwards, being strongest when freshly fed and weakest when starved of blood. Perhaps a visible bar showing the stages that slowly fills up when feeding, requiring you to feed multiple times and allowing actions like violent melee fights (we do have all this blood flying around, after all) to (very) slowly inch you towards a stronger stage. Perhaps the stats could also be dependent on how full this bar is, etc?
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Hmm i Agree with your idea Omega99999, that sounds quite good to implement some sort of Visual Aspect, that encourages such things as Blood fights :D


Although just about every suggestion/idea excluding the feeding in combat that is there, i will hopefully be able to do myself as i am planning on learning how to use the CS upon release, and cannot imagine how to possibly do visual effects D:

hopefully as mentioned by davesoft, one of the many vampire mods floating around will do something similar.


Feel Free to add any suggestion or idea's here everyone, many thanks



Edited by Zazinator
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I think we should go for a Vampire Embrace/Vampiric Hunger type of mod from Morrowind. It will probably be more possible after the Creation Set is put out, but we don't have that long to wait before it is put out. Running around with a bunch of thralls would be awesome. Edited by Silentdagger
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Agreed. The only vamp mod that I ever installed in Oblivion was "Spreading Vampirism", so that I could make own little vampire coven. I'd like to see something similar incorporated into Skyrim, once the the CK gets released. Edited by JanusForbeare
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