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A crazy request tetris


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One problem, lore-wise.


They never invented the microchip, therefore there never was such a thing as "video games" as we know it. The computers are, technically speaking, only terminals. And the only game that has ever been seen in the Fallout Universe was an in-development text adventure made by a comic book company... that apparently he wasn't supposed to even be writing.


Plus the terminals don't work like that, game mechanics wise. They're just text, and cannot support moving pixels. Chess might be doable, but only as a VERY complicated and EXTREMELY un-fun and totally non-graphical list of moves in chess notation. I wouldn't want to script that at all.

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One problem, lore-wise.


They never invented the microchip, therefore there never was such a thing as "video games" as we know it. The computers are, technically speaking, only terminals. And the only game that has ever been seen in the Fallout Universe was an in-development text adventure made by a comic book company... that apparently he wasn't supposed to even be writing.


Plus the terminals don't work like that, game mechanics wise. They're just text, and cannot support moving pixels. Chess might be doable, but only as a VERY complicated and EXTREMELY un-fun and totally non-graphical list of moves in chess notation. I wouldn't want to script that at all.



dont trying to start a flame war but the first games were born in text terminals ,they run on mainframes . if the computers on fo3 are only terminals they are connected to a mainframe or they would be able to show nothing.

there are powerful computers on the fo3 and bots around the bots need a cpu to operate .

well the only explanations is that in F03 world they discovered very eficient eletronic valves so they not cared about search for alternatives like develop transistors and then microchips .

a tetris using printable characters dont need moving pixels just need be able to refresh the screen with the new positions .









but remember i wrote that it was a crazy request .

Edited by betto212
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It's interesting how the FO3 world handles the use of computing power in a very retro futuristic way, they're just starting to develop text adventures yet they have virtual reality that can pass a turing test. Anyway, I'm not planning on attempting this but it seems like getting a standard terminal to play a procedural game like tetris would be extremely complicated. It might be easier to disable player controls temporarily and fix the player's view to a fake terminal window with moving statics behind it. If keyboard input could be detected and relayed to the scripted statics, it might work. It would probably need FOSE and a lot of scripting though, and there would have to be a hotkey to exit the game and reenable player controls. Don't know if this would work, but it's an idea.
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dont trying to start a flame war but the first games were born in text terminals


Very true. And Fallout actually has one. Only one. Which was still in development when the bombs fell.


a tetris using printable characters dont need moving pixels just need be able to refresh the screen with the new positions .


That's the problem tho. It can't be done on the terminal. There might be a way to script tetris into the game somehow, but it won't happen on terminals, which can only take a selected line of input, do some number crunching, and output a selected pre-generated response. There is no mechanic game-engine wise of saying "print character n at position x,y"

Edited by Jeoshua
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