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Bashed patch weapon damage woes


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So i'm back playing Oblivion, with a "lighter" load order, and i'm looking to spruce up hostile encounters. To do that, i'm trying out two leveled list mods:


http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2272/? - better leveled lists


http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45534/? - oblivion scaling unclustered


I tried both of them, one at a time and together, but no matter which way i pick, i encounter the same bug: My weapon damage gets lowered completely.

So in the tutorial area, the Akaviri katana you get from one of the guards shows a value of 3 damage in the base game. However when the wall breaks and the first rat comes in, the damage for all of the weapons gets lowered to 1, except for rusty ones, which get 0.

I'm also using the AoG (amulet of greed) mod, which for some reason gives all monsters strong regeneration (i tested it out with the base game, it's from that mod), making it heal faster than i could kill it with 1 damage per hit. Basically, i almost died to the first rat in the tutorial. (Magic kills them just fine.)


The two level list mods seem to work without a bashed patch, so i'm guessing i'm building it wrong.Here's Wrye's full mod list/load order (both said mods selected for show) and what's selected in the bashed patch. What did i click wrong? Thank you


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Beyond that, any advice or recommendation for a leveled list mod? Basically, i'm not looking to add too much since it'll crash the game, so a basic mod that just adds variety and surprise to what i encounter in the wilds is enough for me at the moment.

I'm using Creature Diversity, but that doesn't get rid of fully decked bandits who are usually richer than the poor sobs they tend to rob...

Edited by monshael
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