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How can I change detection when poor weather?


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I made a weather mod that includes thick fog and noticed that when there is thick fog, the NPCs seem to detect me as if the weather is still clear. Or at least, they detect me more easily than I can detect them. I noticed that fog actually works against me, rather than provides me with a stealth advantage.


In the next update to my mod, I'd like to fix it so players have this stealth advantage.


I was wondering if there is an easy way to change this?


Any help appreciated.



Edited by Jason210
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I found at least three gameSetting variables that I can alter in order to change the detection sensitivity of enemies. So that part is solved.


All I need to do now is make a script or two to change those variables when fog comes, and change them back when fog goes. Wondering which is best approach for this?


Obviously, I need a way to trigger such scripts. Next, I was thinking at first to change these variables when the weather changes, but I'd still need to script to run to "listen" for that weather changing event. Another problem is that since weather transitions happen over a long period of time, a sudden change of detection values may not be the best approach. Perhaps a local variable could be used to detect fogginess?


Any help appreciated.



Edited by Jason210
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