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Mannequins, weapon plaques, and the console


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I have a few mods around and I get a lot of questions about adding mannequins and weapon plaques via console. I've been responding one at a time, but thought I should go ahead and throw this out there for the interested.


You cannot add working mannequins or weapon plaques via console. There are three parts to a mannequin and two parts to a weapon plaque. The mannequin has the actor (the visible mannequin), the activator (the invisible area that allows you to click and modify the mannequin), and the xmarkerheading (the invisible marker that tells the mannequin where to look). You can "placeatme" all three references but you cannot link them via console. The actor part must be link referenced to the xmarkerheading and must include the activator reference. The activator and xmarkerheading must, in turn, include references back to the the actor. None of this can be done via console.


You can add mannequins and plaques via plugins and you are welcome to look at my Proudspire mod for a template. I hope this clears things up.

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