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Am i doing this right? (Essential NPC changing)

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Hey guys;

First modding experience.

Added the two lines for allowing mult master files and loaded files in the ck ini..

Open CK > Load both Skyrim and Update esm's..

Find Lydia in the list of actors.

Change from 'Protected' to 'Essential'..

Save mod,

Load game (with mod enabled)

Lydia can still be killed. I have changed her name in-game to know that it's actually making changes, but it just doesn't seem to want to do the essential flag.

Any ideas what i'm doing wrong here? :S

Surely changing something so simple is all that needs to be done? Or is there more to this that i'm missing?

Here's a pic of what i'm doing..


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Is this the only mod in your load order when you are testing? If not, position your mod last in your load order. It's possibly being overwritten by another mod that alters NPC's.

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If you have already met Lydia in the savegame you are loading, the savegame NPC properties may still be in effect (even though her name has changed).


With your mod loaded and while facing Lydia, go into the console and click on her. Her ID# should appear on the screen.

Type: isessential.

The response should be 1 for essential and 0 for not essential.

if not esssential then:

Type: disable. She should disappear.

Then type: enable. She should reappear.

Type: isessential to see if she is updated.

Exit console.


Another way to do this without requiring a mod is to use a console command to set her as essential.

In the console, type: setessential 000A2C8E 1

(where 000A2C8E is her BaseID - this is different than the RefID that is shown when you click on her)

Again, use isessential to verify she is now essential.





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