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Roxas Hairstyle


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When going through the inital charater creation in skyrim I was dissapointed by the selection of hairs. So I was hoping that someone could help me and possibly create me a new hairstyle.

I was thinking about how i would want my character to look and i decided I want hair that is long but not all stuck behind my ears. so naturally i started thinking of other characters who had a good hairstyle that i liked. After a few minutes i decided on Roxas from kingdom hearts, but unfortuantely i dont know how to make meshes and I have vey little knowlledge of making textures, so i thought i was out of luck. Then it hit me, there are always great modders on these forums who are usually very nice and help people with their mods. So i was wondering if anybody would be willing to make this hair for me? All i need is the hair, I can put it into the game myself when to the creation kit comes out, so would somebody please help me?


Thank you in advance!


Here is a picture i found thathas his hair drawn more like i would like it in game:

KH 358'2 days- Roxas


And here is a picture of his hair normaly:



Thanks again for helping me make my character like i always wanted him to be!


And, Merry Christmas!


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I cannot imagine how absurdly stupid it would look on those steroid pumped nords :D


these anime hairstyles look better on people without any muscles at all :)


Well I dont really Intend on playing as a musxle bound nord. I usually play as a breton or imperial and i have mods that would make that hair style look good on the characters.

Bumping is against the rules. You get a strike, and all bumps removed.

If we allow bumping, with the volume of posts we get the first several pages would be nothing but bump, bump, bump. And your bump would be lost in all of the others.


Without the CK, (coming in January), many mods are just not possible yet. And, as it is Christmas, many modders are spending their time with family instead of glued to their computer. So, give it a rest for a few days, the game will still be there. Plus, modders don't do mods on demand. They make what they want to make, not what you want them to make. Asking is OK, begging, insisting or demanding not.

Bben46. Moderator.

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