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How well will Skyrim run?


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@ Rennn


I'm not quite sure, all it says in my device manager is that it is Ati Radeon HD 4600 Series, it is only 400mhz, 1024mb. And if I can run Witcher II on minimum settings and it still be sort of still playable, I guess I can play Skyrim on at least medium with no fps loss, hell I was playing Crysis on high and it ran like a dream...


The games I can play on high with no loss of framerate (not ultra high/max settings mind you) are FEAR, FEAR2, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock, Bioshock2, PREY, Crysis, Medal Of Honor,, as well as a few online games like Perfect World, Need For Speed World, Shaiya, Rappelz, Archlord, Vindictus, and a few others. If I try to play them on max settings, the framerate can dip below 30, and even to the single digits if the game is anything like The Witcher II.


If there is a way to find out exactly which card I have in the 4600 series lemme know, I will most likely have to open my tower and take a look the the actual card though.


Anyways thanks for the reply! ^^

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