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Performance Increasing Tips


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Here are some tips to increase you FPS for all of you that dont have amazing computers.



Download and install SKSE



Install TESVAL.dll (Drop it into <skyrim root>/data/SKSE/plugins, if it isn't there make it.


Increased performance by 5 or more FPS for me, definitely use!


2. Defrag your computer

I recommend using Smart defrag because Windows defrag sucks.



3.Use Windows Disk Cleanup and/or ccleaner



4. Turn Down antialiasing to 4x or 2x and turn shadows to high.

Possible large performance increase when turning shadows from Ultra to High, the difference between 8x AA and 4x AA is subtle, I reccomend using 2x AA, turn it off for max fps, turn it to 4x for a 1-2 fps loss from 2x, When raising your resolution, the fps loss from AA gets larger (See link below)



5.(NVIDIA users) Download the latest Beta Drivers. (290.53)

Might increase performance up to 25% on some systems (I only got like a 1 to none FPS increase but others may get more, it is worth a try.)



6.Turn Resolution Down

Resolution has a major impact on performance, I use 1280x1024 because that's the max my monitor supports. (See chart below)


Edited by MexicanUltima
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