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Top 100 for Morrowind?


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AFAIK Oblivion and Morrowind are in the same list, I think I remember seeing MGE in the top 100, so just have a look through it and find the Morrowind mods. Or just search by the rating, not as good as the top 100 system but it'll help you find the good ones.



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Thanks for the tip about trying to search based on ratings, Crisb92. :)


Alas, I don't seem to be able to do it, even looking in the Advanced Search I don't see any possible way to limit by Rating, so far only I can either get all Morrowind files or by the standard breakdown like Buildings.


Could someone help me, with the way to say see a list of Morrwind files rated 9 or above if possible?



Thanks for any tips. :)



Edit: I see the Organize by, now and it's listing for Rating.

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I don't think there's a specific category for the top 100 Mw mods, but if you go to the categories, you can scroll down and find all the Mw mod categories. Hope this helps!

Edit: When browsing the categories, you can also make it rating based. ;)

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